WeLcome to DevSecure project,

DevSecure is a web-based log analyser designed for OpenBSD. It can be installed on most BSD/Linux systems. The main goal is to provide a web based console for security monitoring, including searching tools through IDS/FW/SYSLOG database. DevSecure is written in Perl, open source and published under the GPL license.

  • You should check our SourceForge page for CVS or Downloads.
  • The software is still at a pre-alpha release (Not stable, not secure & not nice, but it's working :P)
  • The name "DevSecure" comes from an old IRC channel where I used to idle. I would like to greet all the nice people out there.

  • Download
  • Beta-Release

  • Web based logs viewer for IDS, FireWall* and Syslog*.
  • Advanced search engine in logs database.
  • Incident report generator.
  • Web based quick tools (nslookup/whois).
  • Mail incident reporting.

    * Not implented yet.

    Screen shots (1024x768)
  • Event view
  • FireWall logs
  • Packet payload view
  • Mail Alert
  • Incident report

    Mailing list
  • devsecure-devel@lists.sourceforge.net
  • devsecure-info@lists.sourceforge.net
  • The open forum.

  • Mail alert Version 0.2 (coming soon!)
  • CreateMysql by Jed Pickel, Todd Schrubb, Roman Danyliw.
  • The database structure (result of mysqlshow).

    Needed tools
  • Snort, The Lightweight Network IDS.
  • Modular Syslog by Core-SDI.
  • MySQL database.

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